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Capturing the spatial translation and rotation of the human hand in real time requires robust electronic components and firmware. Microcontroller unit with a quick response time to send the telemetry via Bluetooth to the bridge network. To achieve this, the following electronic components were integrated with the glove:

  • an STMicroelectronics STEVAL-STLCS02V1 Sensor Tile,
  • three Bosch BHI260 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Sensor,
  • two resistive touch sensors
  • powered by a Li-Ion Cell.

Two of the IMU sensors are located on the fingertips of the thumb and the index finger for gesture recognition and one IMU sensor is located in the middle of the back of the hand. The touch sensors are placed on the index and middle finger with a common ground on the thumb. All sensors are connected to a sensor tile – which contains the microcontroller unit (MCU) – located on the wrist. The MCU is responsible for SPI communication with the IMUs, reading the touch sensors, and communicating with the Bridge via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Despite that, the firmware is responsible for predicting the hand gestures with the onboard AI.